10 Know Your Unique Traditions in Indonesia

On the world stage, the cultural diversity that Indonesia is no stranger. Thousands of islands with each region in which it has a variety of languages ​​and customs, does not necessarily make Indonesia divided.
Why? Because people are very uphold tolerance. Well, the attitude of tolerance, one of them built with distinctive traditions of people in each region. This tradition carried usually already hereditary.
Typically, the implementation of which is still a strong tradition in the rural area. There are also areas of the city are conducting tradition, but rather the people of the city do to preserve the culture and the means of entertainment for the community.
If in rural areas, people still embrace faith in the course of that tradition. For example, if doing this and that at a certain time, then kaan abundant harvest.
If you claim to be Indonesia, let's identify more closely what is unique and intriguing traditions that exist in Indonesia.

1Bakar Batu

In the picture, the people of Papua middle shows how to choose stones that can be used to barapen. What it Barapen?
Barapen means batu..Pesta fuel Bakar Batu is a traditional ritual performed Papuan people as a form of thanksgiving for the blessings. Party rock fuels also performed if there is a wedding and reception royal guest.
At the funeral ceremony, a coal also performed as an expression of mourning. Barapen ceremony is a means which proves the existence of peace between communities after a tribal war.
That's right? Implementation of a tradition is synonymous with distinctive harmonious nature of Indonesian society.

2Tawur Rice

Eits, this is not the show fights like high school students yes. Nor brawl harmful event through mutual punches, throwing stones, wood, even a sharp weapon.
Brawl this version is by using rice. No less brutal brawl using a sharp weapon. Well you know!
Do not get me wrong. This is precisely the kind of merry brawl, rather than attacking with hatred and revenge.
His weapon is also in the form of rice. Come to think of it is a pity also the weapon of rice. Given the high price of rice and the farmers who are already struggling to grow rice. But in fact all citizens carry out with joy!
Apparently, rice-rice that has been used to throwing will be collected for animal feed. Hmm ... so the rice is still useful yes.
Village Community Palemsari, Rembang, Central Java, which regularly conduct brawl tradition once a year is believed that the livestock fed the results of this brawl will be fat, fertile, abundant as they harvest.

3Kerik Dental Mentawai

When in Bali you know Gigi cutting ceremony, the indigenous people of Mentawai, West Sumatra, also has the same tradition that is associated with the teeth. The tradition is that? Kerik gear!
Kerik tooth believed to increase the aura of beauty in a woman who symbolized also that the woman is already mature. Pointy teeth woman who would be crazy men in the vicinity. Wah!
Mentawai communities have total confidence that to obtain happiness soul desires to be in line with the shape of the body, the teeth Kerik was believed to be able to modify the body to be consistent and be at peace with life.
The same belief is also manifested by men Mentawai Tribe. If fig wanitaya scraping teeth become pointed, then the men tattooed their bodies with traditional tattoos.
As for how to sharpen the teeth, that is scraped using a tool of iron that has been honed to taper. The process is very painful teeth sharpen and without the use of anesthesia at all. Then the whole process sharpened teeth long enough.

4Balimau Kasai

Entered the month of Ramadan gratitude expressed by the citizens of Kampar, Riau by bathing abuzz in the Kampar river using a mixture of lime or lemon, and wash it using shampoo
Massive ritual is followed by all walks of life, ranging from traditional leaders, religious leaders, government officials, to the general maysarakat.
Kampar community believe that the fragrances used for shampooing hair that can repel all kinds of envy that inhabit the mind. Oh yes, before it plunged into the river, there is the meal together beforehand called Eat Majamba.


Things have pretty horrible whistle. This attraction comes from the province of Banten. People who do Debus, will exhibit superhuman abilities such as slashing or applying fire to the skin itself, rolled on top of pieces of glass, stepped on a nail or embers burning.
There is also to flush the body with hard water. At the same time, they did not hurt or feel pain. As if there is no power like superman or batman in themselves. Practitioners whistle consists of adults, adolescents and children.

6Adu Betis

Just like rice tawur tradition, the tradition of this one is also held to express gratitude after the rice harvest. This event was no less brutal with tawur rice.
Paroto Dusun community, village Samaelo, Barebbo, Bone, South Sulawesi, have each shank passing game pitting strength Malanca. This age-old tradition is followed by a number of the youth village and witnessed by hundreds of other citizens.
After the cue, participants will be mutually opposed calf kick, pitting the most powerful who survived. Of course it hurts, even to sprain because of the strength of the opponent kicks, but this activity is still being done with a sense of fun, without rancor.

7Cut Finger

Dani has a unique tradition but at the same time is terrible as well. Finger Cut His name. This tradition is carried out by cutting the fingers someone whose family members died.
This is the symbol of a sense of community Dani mourning to express sadness at being left by family members.
The philosophy is that the fingers are interpreted as a symbol of harmony, unity, and strength in man as well as a family. If you lose one ruasnya course, the hand does not function optimally again.
In the current era, this tradition has started to be abandoned, but you can still find elders Dani that fingers are no longer intact because once they've done cut the finger.

8ceremony Signs Solo Toraja

Feast of the death of Tana Toraja expressed through signs ceremony solo. The purpose of this ceremony is to deliver the spirits of dead relatives to the spirit world in order to get back on their ancestors.
For the people of Toraja, the death of the perfect is if the body was passed through this ceremony to deliver it to the spirit realm. If the corpse has not been through this procession, so he was given clothes, eat, and talk.
Stages of ceremonies is quite complicated and held on for days. The family that held a ceremony eskor shall provide dozens of buffaloes and pigs for sacrifice,
Oh yes, buffalo disembeli also not just any buffalo. The buffalo buffalo must Tedong Bonga types whose price ranges between 10-50 million per tail.
Signs Solo ceremony wonder this is one of the most expensive funerals. Obviously, families whose members died and celebrate this solo signs should provide dozens of animals per animal cost tens of millions. What is the total cost?
Therefore, families who want to hold a ceremony Signs Solo should menngumpulkan money for months or even years. It took hundreds of millions even billions!

9ceremony Yadnya Kasada

The ceremony is already widely known to the general public. Even many books that tell or Yadnya Kasada ceremony takes place as the most characteristic and allure of writing.
Obviously dong. This tradition is very unique indeed. Ceremony at Mount Boromo is held every month Kasada 14th day in the Hindu Tengger traditional lunar calendar.
Tengger indeed uphold the old Hindu customs and hold this ceremony to present offerings to Sang Hyang Widhi.
This Kasada ceremony can not be separated from the grain Rara story Anteng and Jaka Seger. Story is believed to be the forerunner of birth and the indwelling of the Tengger people in this region.
Ritual Kasada also aims to honor the youngest son Rara Anteng and Jaka Seger were sacrificed to appease the anger of Sang Hyang Widhi. You remember the story of Rara Anteng and Jaka Seger?

10Tapa Dumb Mubeng Beteng

The tradition of this one is in Yogyakarta. His name Mubeng Beteng Dumb Tapa tradition. Usually held every night of the suro or New Year's Eve in the Javanese calendar.
As the name suggests, tapa mubeng beteng meaning mute silence surrounds membiasu beteng (fortress). In this tradition usually courtiers of the palace with thousands of people of Yogyakarta walk or perform carnival procession around the fortress palace is done in silence or eject the slightest sound mute alias.
The significance of doing this tradition is as introspective attitude above all he has done during the year and expects the welfare and safety of the following year. Remember, it must be done while stationary without sound ya know.
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